School Meals
Dinner Menu
Our school dinner menu follows a three-week cycle. You can read the current menus below:
- Dinner Menu – from September 2022
- Packed Lunch Allergen Information

Ready to choose what to have for dinner

There are many things to choose from

We enjoy eating our healthy dinners

Dinner times are fun!
Healthy Eating
Pupils are not allowed to bring sweets to school on a regular basis, eg. in lunchboxes or to eat at break-times. Sweets are only permitted on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter and birthday celebrations.
We do not allow the children to eat chocolate bars or crisps, fizzy drinks and gum are never permitted as we are a Healthy School
Lollipops are not allowed due to the potential hazards they pose with regard to choking.
As a nut free school, we request that parents and carers do not include nut or any traces of nuts in packed lunches.
There is considerable evidence that dehydration causes tiredness and a lack of mental alertness in children. To help remedy this situation in schools, the ‘Water is Cool in School Campaign’ has publicised the need for children to have access to water in class. The campaign has found that the best way to keep children hydrated is for them to sip water at their desks.
Children are encouraged to bring a drink of water from home (in addition to the drinks they normally bring for lunchtime). The water should be in a re-usable clear plastic bottle with non-spill cap and labelled with the pupil’s name.
Mid-Morning Snack
Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils currently receive a piece of fruit each day under the DFES Scheme. The fruit is eaten at morning playtime. Please inform the school if your child is allergic to a particular fruit.
Key Stage 2 pupils may bring fruit to eat at morning playtime.
At St. Gerard’s Catholic Primary School we encourage children to drink plenty of water and encourage the eating of fruit at break times.