We encourage children to take pride in their school and appearance by the wearing of our school uniform.

Winter uniform

Summer uniform
Boys’ Uniform
- White shirt
- Red v-necked pullover
- Grey shorts or long trousers
- Red with gold stripe tie (available from school)
- Black school shoes
Girls’ Uniform
- White blouse
- Red v-necked cardigan or jumper
- Royal Stuart tartan kilt (available from school)
- Red tie (available from school)
- Plain red, grey, black or white tights/socks
- Black school shoes
During the summer (after the Easter holiday until the end of September) boys may wear red polo shirts and girls red gingham dresses.
Each child requires a school book bag which can be purchased from school.
PE Kit
- Black or navy shorts
- Plain white t-shirt
- Black pumps
Trainers are permitted for outside games/lessons or clubs only.
Children are not allowed to wear any form of jewellery for PE lessons.
PE bags are available from the school office.
No clothing with logos are acceptable to wear for PE lessons.
Children in Years 2 and 3 will go swimming for the year. Swimming sessions take place on a Monday morning; therefore, children will need their swimming kit.
The swimming baths have certain rules, which schools must observe:
- All earrings have to be removed
- No Bermuda style shorts are allowed
- Girls must wear a one-piece swimming costume