St Gerard's Catholic Primary School
St Gerard's Catholic Primary School
NSPCC Number Day

NSPCC Number Day

We celebrated NSPCC Number Day. The children came to school dressed up as a number ready for a fun-filled day of Maths activities. The aim of the day was for the children to see, think and do Maths in a range of contexts and to show that everyone is a mathematician...
RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch

RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch

School Council and Cafod Club participated in a national scheme called the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch. The survey helps to build a picture of garden wildlife across the U.K. Last year thousands of schools all over the country took part. Using binoculars, we viewed...
Nativity: One Starry Night

Nativity: One Starry Night

We celebrated the nativity with a fantastic performance by children from EYFS and KS1. They sang beautifully and eloquently portrayed the true meaning of the Christmas season. We hope that you enjoyed the performance and we wish you a happy and Holy Christmas....
Remembrance 2023

Remembrance 2023

‘Lest we forget…’ At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, the guns fell silent on the Western Front to bring an end to the fighting in World War I. As a mark of respect, at 11am St Gerard’s School fell silent for two minutes to remember and...
Wear It Pink Day

Wear It Pink Day

Breast Cancer Now’s Wear It Pink day is one of the biggest fundraising events in the UK. Taking place during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, thousands of amazing people wear it pink in their communities, schools or work places for the UK’s largest breast cancer...
Schools of Sanctuary

Schools of Sanctuary

As a school, we are working towards becoming a ‘School of Sanctuary’. This means we are working to become a school that fosters a culture of welcome, inclusion and belonging for refugees and asylum seekers seeking safety. Children were very disappointed to hear that...
Sports Day

Sports Day

With the sun shining, St Gerard’s enjoyed an exciting Sports Day which included an obstacle relay, rob the nest game, tennis ball relay and an egg and spoon race. The children were split into their house groups to compete against each other and demonstrated great...
Spanish Day

Spanish Day

We celebrated Spanish Day at St Gerard’s, which gave our children the opportunity to explore the culture and customs of other Spanish speaking countries in the world. Everyone arrived at school dressed in the flag colours of a Spanish speaking country, then children...
Refugee Day

Refugee Day

No matter where we come from, what our nationality or religion is or what lifestyles we lead, all humans deserve the same, equal rights. Everyone wants to protect their family and offer them a better life.  The reality is that anyone could become a refugee, because...
World Faith Week

World Faith Week

During World Faith Week, all pupils had the opportunity to learn about different faiths and religions. The week began with a whole school assembly to celebrate the shared values between different faith communities. Throughout the week, visits took place to immerse...